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Samyama Ayurveda

Healing with Ayurveda

Meet Vaidya Anu

Ayurveda Practitioner

Vaidya Annapoorni is an Ayurvedic Holistic practitioner. She completed her education with a Bachelor's In Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S) and a Master's in Ayurvedic Internal Medicine (M.D. in Kayachikitsa) from the Mumbai University in India. She has been practicing Ayurveda since the last 27 years. She is also an eminent Ayurveda Teacher who has served as an Ayurveda Professor in several colleges in India as well as in California and she still continues to teach Ayurveda in the Saybrook University in California. 


Vaidya Annapoorni deeply believes that our path to a balanced healing leads us inwards and Ayurveda helps light the path traveling inwards. Ayurveda means, "Ayur" which means life and "Veda" means knowledge. Ayurveda teaches us that every individual is a complete and unique whole being and a reflection of the macrocosm. Understanding our true self and learning to live our day to day life in rhythm with the nature can help us attain a state of balance. Living by these principles of Ayurveda can help us reach the state of balanced healing, or Samyama. 

Meet Vaidya Anu
Why Naturopathy

Why Ayurveda? 

It can help with

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Gut Health

 Massive changes in all spheres of life impacts the core of our body, our gut. Ayurveda states our gut is like the Sun. 

 Just like the sun is the center of the solar system and the planets revolve around the sun, similarly, the health of our mind-body systems revolves around the health of our gut. 

Auto Immune Disorders

Auto immune disorders can be due to genetic predisposition, environmental factors or due to a hypersensitive immune system. Ayurveda offers several efficient tools to manage and heal the auto immune disorders. 


Cleansing of the mind-body channels is the most important determinant of a healthy mind-body system. Ayurvedic way of detoxifying the body involves ama-pachana, langhana and panchakarma. 

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Mind-Body systems

Ancient Ayurvedic texts have a vast literature of various diseases of the mind-body systems alongwith a clear outline of the  Ayurvedic principles of healing these disorders. 

Living in Harmony with nature

 Ayurvedic healing modalities revolve around ways to live in harmony with the nature which fosters a healthy planet and healthy individuals.

  Science of Ayurveda is designed to maintain the balance of the healthy, to prevent diseases and to heal the sick. Ayurvedic therapies involve, dietary and lifestyle modifications, natural mind-body therapies like pranayama, yoga, meditation, massage, panchakarma, and other natural therapeutics. 


All herbs used are Certified organic or ethically wild-crafted and verified free of heavy metal contamination. We use herbs from the following company -


“I am very gratified to say that Annapoorni has been giving me counseling on Ayurvedic Treatment and Diet for many years. She treated my autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. Whenever I start feeling any joint pain, I start taking dry ginger powder and yogaraj guggul treatment, prescribed by her and the pain disappears in couple of days. She is very friendly and knowledgeable on every topic in medical field. She explains very patiently the medical condition and the root causes of the problems which helps a common person like me to understand the health situation and work on the diet and lifestyle accordingly. "   

Sukanya Anand, Cupertino, CA



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4608 Batten Way, San Jose, CA-95135

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